Coda File System

Re: Venus starts before codasrv after chkconfig

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 12:54:04 -0400
On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 10:54:35AM +0100, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
> If you're running venus and codasrv on the same machine, and you just
> use chkconfig to install the *.init files then venus is started before
> codasrv (venus is 95, codasrv is 96). Moving venus to be 97 in the 
> venus.init file seems to solve the problem.

I will change the ordering, although I'm not sure how much that will buy
because any moderatly sized codasrv will take a long time before it is up
and running.

Venus should be able to start disconnected (once it is initialized), and
connect once the server is ready to accept requests.

Received on 2000-05-12 13:05:32