Coda File System

Re: auth2 interaction with yp

From: Ashwin Krishna Patil <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 09:40:42 -0400 (EDT)
This error usually occurs when auth2 is already running.  

Do a ps -aux and see whether auth2 is listed before you try to start it.

Ashwin Patil                                                                                
ph. (734) 213-2003                     
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor      

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Brian Coghlan wrote:

> I have what appears to be an interaction between ypbind and Coda, which
>   yields the following response to /etc/rc.d/init.d/auth2.init start
> > Starting  Auth Server......
> > [11:21:44]Main Process: "rpc2b.c", line 124:    RPC2_Init(): Couldn't
> > create socket
> >
> > Date: Thu 06/29/2000
> >
> > 11:21:44 RPC2_Init failed with RPC2_BADSERVER (F)
> i.e. it appears to fail when trying to create a socket.
> If I kill the ypbind daemon, auth2 starts up OK.
> As far as I can see ports 369, 370 and 2430-33 are free. I see from
>   the RPC2 documentation that any RPC2 goes through an authentication
>   step - is it possible that it is somehow invoking yp ?
> /etc/services includes (amongst others) the following entries :
> >sunrpc          111/tcp         portmapper      # RPC 4.0 portmapper TCP
> >sunrpc          111/udp         portmapper      # RPC 4.0 portmapper UDP
> >rpc2portmap     369/tcp
> >rpc2portmap     369/udp                         # Coda portmapper
> >codaauth2       370/tcp
> >codaauth2       370/udp                         # Coda authentication server
> >courier         530/tcp         rpc
> >venus           2430/tcp                        # codacon port
> >codasrv         2432/tcp                        # not used
> >codasrv         2432/udp                        # server port
> >codasrv-se      2433/tcp                        # tcp side effects
> >codasrv-se      2433/udp                        # udp sftp side effect
> Has anyone come across this before ?
>    Brian Coghlan
> **************************************************************
> *  _/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/  __/_/_/_/  B.A.Coghlan                *
> *     _/     _/    _/  _/     _/  Dept.Computer Science      *
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Received on 2000-07-10 09:43:01