Coda File System

New coda user's questions

From: Romain Chantereau <>
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 17:31:54 +0200

I'm a new coda user, and I plan to settle a coda cell to replace the NFS 
server on my association's network.
I tested it at home, and there are still some questions I cannot answer:
                                        - Is Coda ready for LDAP based 
authentification (Pure LDAP or via PAM)
                                        - If I hoarded several file on 
my laptop in order to work at home, and once at home, my laptop shut 
down, (no more batterie, or I shut it down), are my hoarded files lost ?
                                        - Can Venus automagically know 
if it is still connected, still disconnected or when the computer is 
plugged again on the network.
                                        - Where Venus put the hoarded 
files ? I mean, can the size of the hoarded files be bigger than the 
venuc cache size ?
                                        - Is the documentation partially 
or totaly outdated ? (Just in case.. ;-) No back thinking )

Ok, I think this is all for the moment...

Romain Chantereau
Received on 2001-09-03 11:32:40
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