Coda File System

Re: Server hangs

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 04:45:40 -0400
On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 05:26:44PM +1000, wrote:
> soap:/vice#  createvol_rep ROOTVOLUME E0000100 /vicepa
> Servers are (soap )
> V_BindToServer: binding to host
> RPC2_NewBinding to server failed with RPC2_NOBINDING (F)cat: /tmp/vollist.729: No such file or directory
> Found no partitions for server soap.

This one seems simple, you need to have an entry for the /vicepa
partition in the /vice/db/vicetab file, and have an initially empty file
called /vicepa/FTREEDB. I wonder why the setup scripts didn't do this
for you. And if they did, the forward and reverse namelookups for your
server didn't match and the server doesn't realize that soap is really
the name of the server. Although, the server should still have been
running and able to accept the rpc2 binding even without available
partitions (useless but...).

> soap:/vice# startserver --help
> Can't start file server, one is already running!

startservers is just a dumb script. It probably fails because the
/vice/srv/pid file exists, which should have been removed by the
previously started 'startserver' as soon as the server died.

> I couldn't find any debug switches to get more information.  Could
> someone point me in the right direction, please?

startserver -d 100, should turn debugging up pretty high.

Received on 2001-09-29 04:46:09