Coda File System

Re: Problem in changing user passwords and mounting

From: Jani Puttonen <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 11:58:40 +0300 (EEST)

> You should use 'au nu' (new user), cp changes 
> the password of an existing user in the 
> list, but codaclnt isn't in that list yet. 

Thanks Jan for helping me out. Coda is working now.
The problem was that I hadn't configured the username
in the you said. 

> How do you mean? A Coda server doesn't export an 
> existing tree in /vicepa, it can only show files 
> that have associated metadata (such as version 
> vectors) in RVM, which is only created by storing 
> files through a Coda client. 

The other problem was that I had understood the principle 
of coda a little bit wrong. Sorry about that.

Thanks once again.

Jani Puttonen

Jani Puttonen
The faculty of information technology
Received on 2002-06-06 05:02:54
Binary file ./codalist-2002/4258.html matches