Coda File System

venus cannot start

From: Florian Schaefer <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 20:27:02 +0200

I just startet my computer to find out that venus won't work any more.
This is the message from the venus.log:

[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] Coda Venus, version 5.3.19
[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] Logfile initialized with LogLevel = 0 at Fri
Jun 28 
20:20:24 2002

[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] E StatsInit()
[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] L StatsInit()
[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] BeginRvmFlush (1, 60, F)
[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] EndRvmFlush
[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] BeginRvmTruncate (1, 220, F)
[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] EndRvmTruncate
[ X(00) : 0000 : 20:20:24 ] fsobj::Recover: invalid fso (procmail.log,
ff.0xfffffffe.0x2)), attempting to GC...
0x20297908 : fid = ((0xffffffff.0xfffffffe.0x2)), comp = procmail.log,
vol = 203
	state = Dying, stat = { 176609, 39, 1025199611, 500, 0600, 1,
File }, rc
 rights = 0
	VV = {[ 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] [ 0x11c6e37b 11788 ] [ 0 ]}
	voltype = [1 0 0], fake = 0, fetching = 0 local = 1
	rep = 0, data = 0, owrite = 0, dirty = 1, shadow = 0
	mvstat = Normal
	parent = ((0x0.0x0.0x0), 0), children = 0
	priority = -1 (48034), hoard = [0, -2, 0], lastref = 868891
	mle_bindings = (0, 0), cleanstat = [176609, 1025199611]

The only thing I tried out till now was a "cfs purgeml /coda/florian" but
this doesn't seem to have changed a thing (venus still knows about my
procmail.log?). Otherwise the symptons are that /coda isn't mounted while
venus is still running I can even shut the client down the normal way.

Any ideas are welcome. ;-)

Received on 2002-06-28 14:31:36