Coda File System

Re: where do I put root volume files on server?

From: Ivan Popov <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 09:26:18 +0100 (MET)
Hello Anthony,

> quick question:
> I have successfully set up the server, created a root volume named
> "testfs". My question is, where do i put the files on the server so that
> they will be available in /coda on the client?

You do not put files "on the server", you put files via the clients,
by copying them to places under /coda/......

> on the clients. But on my client, I can connect successfully to the
> server but /coda is always empty. Where should I put files on the server
> so they will show up there?

Just copy them there on the client. You have to acquire tokens for that
(i.e. make a successful clog) first.

Received on 2002-11-26 03:28:50