Coda File System

Re: Coda File Updates

From: Ivan Popov <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 19:20:31 +0200

On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 09:13:31AM -0700, redirecting decoy wrote:
> I just put about 25 megs worth of files (from the
> scm), into the storage volume.  My problem is that
> none of the clients see these files.  However, if I
> were to go to one client and create a file, then look
> at the other clients, the file shows up.  But it does

I assume by " put about 25 megs worth of files (from the scm)"
you mean "from a client running on the same machine as the server" ?

Then it might mean that your client on scm is staying in the disconnected
mode and hence never propagates the updates to the server.
Neither does it fetch data from the server.

Whan can make that client special compared to other ones?

It has possibly a different route to talk to the server,
and it may confuse it, if the server sees its packets
or answers, say, on the local interface instead of the lan-connected one.

Hope it helps,
Received on 2004-09-23 13:21:40